Because of Me

Because of Me

An out of town lawyer friend of mine text me recently to confirm the address of one of our satellite offices. I text him bad “Yep,” paused, and then called. “You’re trying to get there and your GPS has you lost, doesn’t it?” He...
Thirst and the Living Water

Thirst and the Living Water

I loathe sippy cups. Having kids roughly 2 years apart means that not long ago, my house had an entire shelf of them. My oldest drinks from a cup unless we are traveling, so I’ve finally begun to weed them out. It brings me great joy to see a top growing mold or...
The Bad News

The Bad News

“There’s no good news without bad news.” “Dad,…. I’m okay.” It’s a phone call I have made more than once, but on this particular occasion, it wasn’t me. I was listening to my pastor teach a class in evangelism. He...
Offensive Love

Offensive Love

The Uproar It was funny- at least I thought it was. So I pulled up social media, typed out my chuckle-worthy thought, hit “Post.” and put my phone back in my pocket. About an hour later, I checked my phone. Apparently, I’m not that funny, and I...