Resources for Rest

The following is a list of some of my personal favorites or were recommended to me by ladies I respect. None are affiliate links and I make nothing if you choose to purchase a resource. Podcasts The Bible Recap“It’s a short daily podcast (~8 minutes) hosted by...
Finding Rest

Finding Rest

Have you ever held a child that needs a nap in the worst possible way, but fights sleep even harder because of the need? The child doesn’t know that she needs a nap, only that something is not right and she is not happy. It’s me. I am that child. I will...
True Love Truth: How to Speak the Truth in Love

True Love Truth: How to Speak the Truth in Love

“Dani, you do not treat me with the respect I deserve.” No one had ever called me down like this. I was sitting with the director of the college ministry over which I presided. It was a private meeting – just the two of us. And after going over several items of...
Hula Hoops & Freedom

Hula Hoops & Freedom

“As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free…”Julia Ward Howe, The Battle Hymn of the Republic July 3, 2007. 80,000 people were lining the street in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and here I stood with a hula hoop about to dance for them. With...
All Rise: Heavenly Hearings

All Rise: Heavenly Hearings

“ALL RISE!” “All you having business before this court, draw nigh and you shall be heard. God Bless the United States, this state, and this Honorable Court. You may be seated.” . . . . . It was just another Monday morning in court. I was about...