The Funeral Post: What I Want You to Know

The Funeral Post: What I Want You to Know

I am not a morbid person. But I think about my own funeral. Each time we have been between moves and churches I have contemplated who would preach if I were to die then. Sometimes I evaluate new songs as to if they’d make the cut onto the “funeral-worthy” list. Or...
Thirst and the Living Water

Thirst and the Living Water

I loathe sippy cups. Having kids roughly 2 years apart means that not long ago, my house had an entire shelf of them. My oldest drinks from a cup unless we are traveling, so I’ve finally begun to weed them out. It brings me great joy to see a top growing mold or...
Mary, Mary

Mary, Mary

Two Marys Becoming a mother changes your perspective on so many things. As a kid, I didn’t think much about Mary. I distinctly remember making plans with a elementary friend over our cafeteria lunches to spend the weekend at each others houses. She asked me in...
Redeeming Regret

Redeeming Regret

I regretted the words as soon as they were out of my mouth. Okay, maybe not the words as much as the tone of my voice… if Drill Sargent is a tone….If you had been there you would have seen the two boys sitting on the other boy in the playground area...