by DB | Apr 19, 2021 | Emotions
“It’s okay to be angry, buddy. But it has to be for the right things and in the right way.” I was counseling my 5-year-old after he didn’t like an instruction I gave him, and he raised his fist to shake it at me. “But who am I to teach...
by DB | Apr 4, 2021 | Bible Literacy, Emotions
I am satisfied with Jesus,He has done so much for me:He has suffered to redeem me,He has died to set me free.B.B.McKinney My youngest is completely satisfied with life —- and that’s a problem. Our youngest is potty training in earnest. Or maybe his parents are...
by DB | Mar 29, 2021 | Emotions
I wanted to be numb. It hurt so bad that I couldn’t process. I just wanted to shut it off and be numb. When the dentist told me that my child had four tiny cavities where teeth touch, I felt like a bad parent. Of course, my five-year-old didn’t really...
by DB | Feb 22, 2021 | Suffering
Timing is everything. They were the worst cookies I’ve ever made. Truly terrible in every imaginable way. If you ever come over to my house, ask me to make cookies. I make spectacular cookies. It’s my thing. I have a cookie scoop so they are uniform. I bake on...
by DB | Jan 25, 2021 | Bible Literacy, Salvation
I loathe sippy cups. Having kids roughly 2 years apart means that not long ago, my house had an entire shelf of them. My oldest drinks from a cup unless we are traveling, so I’ve finally begun to weed them out. It brings me great joy to see a top growing mold or...