When you know God,
you speak to Him and about Him.
I love my husband, He’s one of the most important people in my life. We, however, are very different people. One of those differences is very obvious at roughly 10:45 pm every night. As the lights go out in our bedroom, I begin to relax, clear my mind, and well… go to sleep. This is the amazing moment when his brain shifts into overdrive, now freed from the tasks of the day — and he wants to talk. a lot. about everything. and nothing. This is also when I consider or threaten bodily harm. Kidding… kinda.
But I feel a void on days I don’t get to talk to him much. Maybe I had court late or he came in as I was putting dinner on the table, and by the time the kids are in bed and our to do lists are done it’s time to go to sleep. I miss hearing about his day and processing my own with him – the communion of just speaking with him. I want to hear him and be heard by him.

Because I love this man so much, I can’t help but talk about him. If we hang out, I’d probably show you some of his amazing woodworking projects or tell you about one of his corny jokes. I might brag about how through natural instinct and self-training, he can play any instrument. I might warn you to NEVER give the man coffee, or else face a passionate introvert turned unrestrained chatterbox. Talking about him is natural because I love him and so much of my life IS him.
The Value of Speech
I love speaking to and about my husband. When we know God, we should speak to Him and about Him. God should be the first one you turn to and the One you can’t stop talking about.
Not long ago I was reading Psalm 77 and the importance of speaking jumped out at me from the Psalmist’s actions. It can be read in two parts: a lament to God, and a response to His greatness.
Talking to God
I cried out to God with my voice—
To God with my voice;
And He gave ear to me.
Psalm 77:1
Several years ago, I read through the Mitford series by Jan Karon. While the small town is hilariously relatable, the thing that struck me about these books was how often the main character spoke to God. It was as if God was right there in the room with him because he would speak to Him out loud as part of an ongoing dialog. I want to be that comfortable with God. Sure, I pray when I wake, at meals, and when I go to bed, but do I talk to God about the big and little things as I would a friend?
Prayer is a conversation – talking to God – but we often do so silently. Maybe we should talk to God. Talking out loud with our voices. I don’t mean to pray big fancy prayers with nice words and profound meanings. Jesus made clear that fancy words don’t make a prayer good in Luke 18:9-14. No, I mean talk it out. Take the time to talk to God. Speak. Use inflection. Let the happiness or sadness drip from your words. Many people really like to write their prayers, but sometimes there is nothing more real than using your voice.

Here, the Psalmist cries out to God from a point of trouble. I don’t know about you, but when I’m frustrated, I tend to talk about it, but not to God. I go running to a coworker or text a friend. My sister-in-law told me many years ago a phrase she repeats to herself is “Throne before phone.” It mean that we should talk to God before we talk to anyone else about our problems (and hopes and joys…). I want my heart to turn to God first.
Talking About God
And I said, “This is my anguish;
But I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High.”
I will remember the works of the Lord;
Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will also meditate on all Your work,
And talk of Your deeds.
Psalm 77: 10-13
Friend, if you love Jesus, that love will overflow your heart and come out of your mouth. Remember what God has done for you. Meditate on what God has done for you. Speak about what God has done for you.
There’s an old quote attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi: “Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” Whether he said it or perhaps had a nuanced explanation to go with it I’m not sure. But I pretty much think it’s hogwash. You should be a moral person. People should notice your good works (and glorify your Father in heaven). But do all the good you want, if you don’t openly talk about Jesus, you missed the boat somewhere. Christ’s last words to us were not to be kind and make sure everybody likes you. He didn’t tell us to be a good human. He commanded us to disciple and teach. That requires speaking.

I don’t get a free pass for blogging. I hope you learn from these posts and pray that what God has done in my life impacts your life, but I need to be vocally sharing my faith.
If I got a new pair of shoes or my kid did something funny, I’d be quick to tell you all about it. Jesus Christ died for my sin and paid an eternally insurmountable debt I owed. Shouldn’t I want to shout that from the rooftops? He loves me wholly and completely. Shouldn’t I praise Him for all to hear?
Talk Isn’t Cheap
My voice has worth.
What I use it for matters.
Talk to God.
Talk about God.
Truthfully Yours,