What He has Done

What He has Done

I almost kicked the pastor in the face. My memory of the whole thing is a bit fuzzy, but there's video footage to document it all on a dusty VHS somewhere. At four years old, my ever petite frame was extremely petite. My pastor was baptizing me and someone had rigged...

Thirst and the Living Water

Thirst and the Living Water

I loathe sippy cups. Having kids roughly 2 years apart means that not long ago, my house had an entire shelf of them. My oldest drinks from a cup unless we are traveling, so I've finally begun to weed them out. It brings me great joy to see a top growing mold or a...

Ordinary Miracles

Ordinary Miracles

Harvard. I had to go to Harvard. It was the best. I was going to be on the Supreme Court --- or at least a judge! My 6th-grade teacher wrote in my yearbook something about me in the Ivy League. In late middle school, my parents even took me to some swanky Harvard...

In the Footsteps of Christ: What I Deserve

In the Footsteps of Christ: What I Deserve

This may be the most controversial blog I ever write. Then again, maybe not. I had two other topics in mind most of the week, but recent events brought my thoughts of the last few months to a head. I knew I could not write on something less important. They Persecuted...

A Word for 2021

A Word for 2021

"Dear Jesus, Thank you for Mommy and Daddy and my brother and my books and the one about cats and my stuffed animals and my warm pjs and that I have bed and fuzzy blue blanket and playing with the dog today and getting to play with legos today and...." Have you ever...

What You are Missing

What You are Missing

Have you ever tried to get a child to try something delicious that he has already decided he doesn't want to eat? "Here, try this.""No. That's yucky.""How can you say it is yucky? You haven't tried it."(Child clamps mouth shut and looks the other direction)"Okay.......